JUPITER CORE – PJS Season4 Phase1 ロースター確定|See below for the English News
「JUPITER CORE」は以下のロースターで『PUBG JAPAN SERIES Season4 Phase1 Grade2』に出場いたします。
昨シーズンは惜しくも6位という結果になりましたが、PJS Grade2にも出場経験があり、実績十分なHarkua選手を迎え、みなさまのご期待に答えられるよう日々調整を重ねGrade1昇格を目指して参りますので、引き続き皆様の応援お願いいたします。
JUPITER CORE will participate in the “PUBG JAPAN SERIES Season4 Phase1 Grade2” with the following roster.
Last season we were placed 6th which was not enough.
This season we have had a new player Harkua who participated in Grade2 in other team.
We will practice hard to be promoted to the Grade1, so please continue to support us.