Brawl Stars部門 – inso退団のお知らせ

Brawl Stars部門 – inso退団のお知らせ

29 Feb 2024

Brawl Stars部門 insoの契約満了に伴う退団をご報告いたします。


insoは2023年シーズンよりGeRo, Nowy, MeOwとともにZETA DIVISIONに加入。East Asia地域からEMEA地域への新たな挑戦にコーチとしてチームを創り上げ、『Snapdragon Pro Series Season 3: EU-MENA』では欧州王者になり、『Brawl Stars World Finals 2023』ではZETA DIVISIONを世界大会三連覇に導きました。




< inso Message >


思い出をありがとうございます。これからの幸運をお祈りします。サポートしていただき”big arigato”です!



Today we announce the departure of Brawl Stars coach inso following the end of his contract.


inso joined ZETA DIVISION at the beginning of the 2023 season along with Gero, Nowy, and MeOW. He took upon the challenge of developing three young, talented players as we shifted from the East Asia region to the EMEA region. inso and the team became the kings of EU-MENA by winning the Snapdragon Pro Series Season 3: EU-MENA. Ultimately, they would go onto win the Brawl Stars World Finals 2023, allowing ZETA DIVISION to become world champions for a third year in a row.


We would like to thank inso for what he brought to the organization, and wish him the best in his future endeavors.


< inso Message >

“Hey ZETA DIVISION fam, what an amazing journey it’s been! From lifting trophies to slurping ramen, thanks for the memories. Best of luck in the future and a big arigato for the support!”


inso – X / YouTube