JUPITER NOVA – PUBG JAPAN SERIES 2019 Season4 Phase1 Grade2 結果報告|See below for the English News
『PUBG JAPAN SERIES 2019 Season4 Phase1 Grade2』に出場した「JUPITER NOVA」は2位という好成績を残し、見事Grade1のオフラインの舞台に復帰することとなりました。
Twitter、配信コメント、並びにJUPITER DISCORD COMMUNITYでの観戦会での応援、本当にありがとうございました。
JUPITER NOVA has fought throught the games at the “PUBG JAPAN SERIES 2019 Season4 Phase1 Grade2” and got the 2nd place!
Therefore we will be promoted to the Grade1 and will play offline in Tokyo again.
We will keep practicing during the off-season in order to get goods results in the Grade1.
Thank you for your support on Twitter, Twitch and JUPITER DISCORD COMMUNITY.
Please continue to support us.
配信録画 | Streams
DAY1 – YouTube LIVE
DAY2 – YouTube LIVE
DAY3 – YouTube LIVE