Apex Legends – 9impulse, Sunset, taskmast33r 加入のお知らせ / 9impulse, Sunset and taskmast33r have joined
この度「ZETA DIVISION」は、CIS・ヨーロッパ地域で競技シーンを中心に活動をしている「Fire Beavers」のメンバー、9impulse, Sunset, taskmast33rがApex Legends部門へ加入することを発表します。
「Fire Beavers」は、2020年1月から1年間行われてきた公式大会『Apex Legends Global Series』(以下、ALGS)の集大成である、『ALGS Championship – EMEA』にて数あるCIS・ヨーロッパの強豪を抑え、準優勝を果たした強豪チームです。
また、Counter-Strike : Global Offensive(以下、CS:GO)などのさまざまなタイトルでメジャー大会を主催している「FACEIT」が2021年5月から2ヶ月間に渡りアメリカやヨーロッパなどの強豪チームが招待・参加し開催された『FACEIT Pro Series: Apex Legends』では見事優勝。
同じくCS:GOなどのメジャー大会を主催する「BLAST」が2021年7月にCIS・ヨーロッパの強豪チームを招待し開催した『BLAST Titans』では3位でフィニッシュするなど、その他の大会でも常に結果を残してきているチームです。
今後3名は「ZETA DIVISION」としてCIS・ヨーロッパ地域でのApex Legends競技シーンに参戦いたします。海を越えた世界で戦うメンバーの応援をよろしくお願いします!
9impulse / ナインインパルス(リーダー)
– Twitch
ZETA DIVISIONメンバーとなることができ、とても嬉しいです!私たちはCIS地域のプレイヤーですが、日本のコミュニティに参加できることはとってもクレイジーなことで、夢のようです。日本のプロやストリーマーのみなさんとランクなどを一緒にプレイしていきたいです。Twitterで気軽にリプやDMください!よろしくお願いします!!
Sunset / サンセット
– Twitch
日本のチームに入ることができて本当に嬉しいです。今日本で一番ホットで強いチームでもあり、イケてるZETA DIVISIONとともに僕たちも新しいチャレンジ、そして成長を続けていきます。よろしくお願いいたします!
taskmast33r / タスクマスター
– Twitch
世界屈指の緻密なAIMの持ち主。CIS・ヨーロッパ地域では右に出るものはいない。その火力で世界のApex Legendsプレイヤーをなぎ倒していく。ケバブとオクタンをこよなく愛す。
ZETA DIVISIONの旗を掲げてプレイすることができ、最高な気分です!このようなチャンスをいただきありがとうございます!また、日本のコミュニティに参加できることもとても嬉しく思います。Twitterでいつでも気軽に話しかけてください!
Illustration:岩本ゼロゴ / Iwamoto05
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ZETA DIVISION is pleased to announce that 9impulse, Sunset, and taskmast33r, members of the Fire Beavers, who have been active on the competitive scene in the CIS and Europe, will be joining the Apex Legends division.
Fire Beavers are the team that took Second place in the ALGS Championship – EMEA, the culmination of the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS), a year-long tournament that began in January 2020, beating out many of the powerhouse teams from CIS and Europe.
In addition, FACEIT, the organizer of major tournaments for various titles such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), held the “FACEIT Pro Series: Apex Legends” over a period of two months from May 2021, inviting the best teams from the United States and Europe to participate.And they won this tournament.
BLAST, which also organizes major tournaments such as CS:GO, invited the best teams from CIS and Europe to participate in “BLAST Titans” in July 2021, where they finished in 3rd place.
From now on, the three members of ZETA DIVISION will compete in the Apex Legends competition scene in CIS and Europe. Please support our team members as they compete in the worldwide tournament!
– Twitch
As a leader, 9impulse has an accurate order to lead the team, and he is so trusted by the members as “The Best Captain”. He is a kind-hearted and nice guy who keeps a dog and a cat at home, and his personality makes him a very popular streamer. The person he respect is himself.
I’m very happy to be a member of ZETA DIVISION! We are players from the CIS region and it’s crazy and a dream come true to join the Japanese community. We’d love to play with all the Japanese pros and streamers in the ranks, etc. Feel free to rip us on Twitter or DM us! I’m looking forward to meeting you!
– Twitch
Sunset always cheer up to the team, and also he has cheerfulness, fun and cuteness. He is a reliable person who supports the team with his calm decision and stable AIM. He is a big dog lover and always plays with his dog on his days off.
I’m really happy to be a member of the Japanese team. This is the hottest and strongest team in Japan right now, and we will continue to take on new challenges and grow with the hot ZETA DIVISION. I’m looking forward to working with you!
– Twitch
taskmast33r is one of the most precise AIMers in the world, no one is better than him in CIS and Europe. And he loves kebabs and octane.
It feels great to be able to play with the ZETA DIVISION flag raised! Thank you for such an opportunity! I am also very happy to be able to participate in the Japanese community. Feel free to talk to us on Twitter anytime!
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– Pixiv