Brawl Stars部門 – 2023年シーズンロスター発表、及びメンバーの加入・退団について
ZETA DIVISION Brawl Stars部門の2023年シーズンに向けたロスター発表、及びメンバーの加入と契約満了に伴う退団をお知らせいたします。
ZETA DIVISION Brawl Stars Division is pleased to announce its roster for the 2023 season, including the addition of members and the departure of members upon expiration of their contracts.
ZETA DIVISIONは2022シーズンメンバーの活躍によって、2季連続となる『Brawl Stars World Finals』優勝、『Brawl Stars Championship 2022: Mid Season Invitational』での優勝を成し遂げ、シーズンを通じて最高の成績で締めくくる事が出来ました。
そして今季、私たちはZETA DIVISIONを日本に限らず世界へとより広く発信していくために、EMEA地域を選択し、新たな挑戦をする事を決断しました。日本さらにはアジアを飛び出しEMEA地域での挑戦を決めた理由は以下の三点です。
Brawl StarsにおいてEMEAリージョンは、公式世界大会『Brawl Stars World Finals』において地域毎で比較しても、他より多い4つの出場枠を持っているリージョンであり、競技シーンを含むコミュニティが盛り上がっている競争力のある地域です。私たちは、より熾烈でエキサイティングな環境にて挑戦することを選びました。
二つ目は、ヨーロッパのトップチームでコーチとして実績があるコーチ「inso」の加入です。彼はZETA DIVISIONのフィロソフィーを理解し、Brawl Starsシーンにおいてより影響を持つチームを創る事への熱意と意欲にあふれています。
そして昨今、世界で頭角を表してきた3人のEMEAの若者達との出会いは私たちにとって大きく、彼らの勝利への探究心は、ZETA DIVISIONの挑戦に大いに貢献してくれると信じております。
ZETA DIVISIONとBrawl Starsの歴史に名を刻む4人への応援をよろしくお願いします!
ZETA DIVISION finished the 2022 season on a high note, winning the “Brawl Stars World Finals” for 2 consecutive seasons, and the “Brawl Stars Championship 2022: Mid Season Invitational” with the excellent performance of the 2022 season members.
This season, we have decided to take on a new challenge in the EMEA region in order to expand the ZETA DIVISION name beyond Japan, and to the rest of the world. We are taking on this challenge in the EMEA region for the following three reasons.
First, the EMEA region has more slots in the official Brawl Stars World Finals than any other region, and is an extremely competitive region with a thriving community, with a strong competitive scene. We have chosen to compete in a more fierce and exciting environment.
Secondly, the addition of inso, a coach with a proven track record in top teams of Europe. He understands the philosophy of ZETA DIVISION and has the enthusiasm and drive to create a more influential team in the Brawl Stars scene.
Finally, We are very happy to have met these three EMEA youths who have recently emerged in the world, and we believe that their thirst for victory will greatly contribute to ZETA DIVISION’s challenge.
For the 2023 season, we are embarking on a new voyage.
Please show your support for ZETA DIVISION and these 4 individuals as they make their mark on Brawl Stars history!
— Player —
— Coach —
GeRo (じぇろ)
The young leader of the team. He usually conducts duels in mid and leads the team. He is persistent and resolute, and his ultimate goal is to become the most distinguished player. The insights of this young leader is key for victory.
< GeRo Message >
「ZETA DIVISIONの一員になれたことをとても光栄に思っています!ベストを尽くします。」
I’m incredibly pleased to join ZETA DIVISION and I will give it my all to become the best.
Nowy (のうぃ)
The tank specialist. A heavyweight brawler expert, he uses his fearless style of play to dominate lanes and wreak havoc on the opponents. He is the embodiment of the Polish play style, and his game play gives his team great courage throughout the match.
< Nowy Message >
I am really happy to join ZETA and I will give 100% this year
“still waters run deep”(能ある鷹は爪を隠す)という言葉を体現したようなプレイヤー。多くは語らないが刻々と変化するゲーム環境に対応した多彩なプレイスタイルで、ここぞというときに力を発揮する。昨年は選手としてのキャリアから遠ざかっていたが、2023年競技シーンへの復活を決断。
MeOw is the embodiment of the phrase “still waters run deep”. Although he is a man of few words, he has a versatile style of play that adapts to the ever-changing game environment, and shows his strength when the moment calls for it. Back from his career hiatus last year, MeOw has decided to return to the competitive scene for 2023.
< MeOw Message >
My dream was to join an organization like ZETA.
inso (いんそ)
EMEAのトップチームでコーチを務め、数々のトロフィーを手にしてきた。根っからの挑戦者であり、そのBrawl Starsへの情熱と熱意でチームを様々な角度から支える。フレンドリーな性格で、最近初めてラーメンを食べ日本愛が加速した。
With his coaching experience in the top EMEA teams, he has won many trophies. Being a challenger at heart, he supports the team from various aspects with his passion and enthusiasm for Brawl Stars. He hs a friendly character, and his love for Japan has recently accelerated after eating ramen for the first time.
< inso Message >
「2度の世界チャンピオンになったZETA DIVISIONの一員になれたことをとても誇りに思います。ベストを尽くし、ZETA DIVISIONとして世界チャンピオンになりたいです。私の目標は、ブロスタ界で『スペシャル・ワン』になることです。」
I am very proud to be part of ZETA, they are the 2x world champions. I want to be the best and become world champion with ZETA! My goal is to be the brawl stars, “The Special One”.
2023年度のロースター発表に合わせ、Tensai, Achapi, Kuru, sitetampo, Ken-G, Moyagoku及び「CREATOR部門」よりCryingManが契約期間満了に伴い退団する運びとなりました。
TensaiはJUPITERブロスタ部門の設立メンバーとして、2020年1月10日に加入。『Brawl Stars World Finals 2020』では世界8位を獲得し、当時のJUPITERを支えて参りました。
翌年2021年2月10日にAchapi, sitetampoの2名が加入。『Brawl Stars Championship Monthly Finals』ではEast Asia地域優勝の座を譲らず、『Brawl Stars World Finals 2021』ではZETA DIVISIONとして初めての優勝を飾りました。
2022年2月3日にはKuru, Ken-G, Moyagokuが加入し、「ZETA DIVISION ZERO」、「ZETA DIVISION ONE」の2チーム体制へ。2022年シーズン上半期の世界王者を決める『Brawl Stars Championship 2022:Mid-Season Invitational』では「ZETA DIVISION ONE」が世界一を獲得。年間世界王者を決める『Brawl Stars World Finals 2022』では熾烈な戦いを制した「ZETA DIVISION ZERO」が優勝、「ZETA DIVISION ONE」が準優勝という華々しい成績を収め、他の地域を寄せ付けない強さを誇りました。
Brawl Stars史上初となる世界大会3連覇の達成、2年連続『Brawl Stars World Finals』での優勝など、選手たちのこれまでのZETA DIVISIONへの活躍と多大な貢献に大きく感謝するとともに、今後の活躍を心より願っております。
In conjunction with the announcement of our 2023 roster, Tensai, Achapi, Kuru, sitetampo, Ken-G, Moyagoku, as well as CryingMan from our “creator sector” will be leaving ZETA DIVISION due to the expiration of their contracts.
Tensai joined JUPITER, the predecessor organization of ZETA DIVISION, on January 10th, 2020 as a founding member of the JUPITER Brawl Stars sector. He supported JUPITER by winning 8th place in the world at the “Brawl Stars World Finals 2020”. The following year, on February 10th, 2021, Achapi and sitetampo joined the team, standing as champions for the East Asia Regional Championship at the “Brawl Stars Championship Monthly Finals”, and the “Brawl Stars World Finals 2021”, bringing in the first champion win to ZETA DIVISION.
On February 3rd, 2022, Kuru, Ken-G, and Moyagoku joined the team, creating the “ZETA DIVISION ZERO” and “ZETA DIVISION ONE” team lineup. “ZETA DIVISION ONE” wins the world title at the “Brawl Stars Championship 2022 : Mid-Season Invitational” becoming world champions for the first half of the 2022 season.
At the “Brawl Stars World Finals 2022”, which determines the annual world champion for 2022, “ZETA DIVISION ZERO” won the championship, with “ZETA DIVISION ONE” being the runner-up, showing their unparalleled strength.
We would like to express our utmost appreciation to the players for their achievements, as well as their significant contributions to ZETA DIVISION, including winning the “Brawl Stars World Finals” for two consecutive years, and becoming the first in history to win three consecutive World Championships. We sincerely wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
GeRo – Twitter / Twitch / YouTube
MeOw – Twitter
inso – Twitter / Twitch / YouTube